10 Ways To Save The Nintendo Switch

6. Showcase The Strength Of Your Unique IP

ARMS Gameplay

Another for the "Why aren't they...?!" pile, Nintendo continue to devote far too much time and effort to covering what the Switch 'is', almost as though they're terrified of people not understanding that yes, it slots in and out of a base unit, and yes, you can take it with you on the go.

All of this gets the concept of the system down-pat, but when it comes to both ARMS and Snipperclips - two games with brilliant concepts, they're cast to the wayside either for tech demos or 'extended looks' at the same chunk of Zelda we've seen for the last two years.

ARMS is almost like a Balloon Fight-level of random premise goodness - just a simple fighter with deceptively deep physics-based actions, and Snipperclips is like Scribblenauts meets Boxboy, a brilliant team-based puzzle-solver where you cut each other into shapes to complete various scenarios.

Neither of these are top of the bill or are coming at launch, yet both are great, fun insights into experiences that totally soar on the Switch.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.