10 Ways Trailers Let You Know A Video Game Is Secretly Awful

1. If All Else Fails, Sex Sells

Game of War Kate Upton

Notable Offenders: Game of War: Fire Age, BMX XXX

But if publishers are truly backed into a corner and faced with taking a mediocre game to market, there's always that most cynical of options: sell it with sex.

The most hilariously egregious example in recent years has to be the mobile strategy title Game of War: Fire Age, which extensively featured buxom model Kate Upton in its marketing, in a most lazy effort to bring as many hormonal teenage boys into the fold as possible.

Unsurprisingly, the game itself wasn't up to much, pilloried by most critics for its aggressive in-app purchases.

Back on the console side, there's 2002's infamous sports game BMX XXX, which was actually developed as a straight-up BMX racing game, until publisher Acclaim realised they had a turkey on their hands, and so quickly added nude character models, vulgar humour and sexy live-action clips of strippers into the game in an attempt to salvage a financial disaster.

This obviously transpired through to the game's, uh, unique trailers, which cravenly tried to distract from the game's non-quality with sex and raunchy humour. Gross.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.