2. Immerse Yourself In Different Cultures And Views
Many people are simply stuck. Nowhere to go, only knowledgeable about what they can personally feel, see, and experience. Thankfully, video games have the power to lift the veil of ignorance through interactive experiences that pull the player into a world they never would have dreamed of placed in. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is an excellent example of this. After all, how else can a teenage boy living in the middle class suburbs of Texas experience a little of what it was like to be a young African American male in '90s Los Angeles? Or maybe a game like Suikoden 2, where you're put in the unfortunate position of your best childhood friend growing up to be your mortal enemy. There are certainly parallels that can be drawn between what you experience in a game and what you experience in your daily life. Even if these ideas go far beyond what you can see and feel, they allow you to at least see different sides of life. Because of this, maybe whenever you're presented with a problem or in the middle of an argument, you'll take time to explore things from every possible angle.