10 Ways You're Worse At Video Games Than You Think

Don't get too full of yourself, there are plenty of ways games are easier than you think...

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Bethesda Softworks

You'll be hard-pressed to find a more competitive world than that of the video game industry. Home to dozens of diverse and different communities, the one common denominator that unites all of them is how many players can be found bragging about being the best.

Every self-respecting gamer knows that they have to shout about being the best at everything they touch, and bemoaning everything but their own skill ceiling when things go south - and no developer is safe from a Reddit or Twitter tirade against them. It's one of those things we can't help but love at this point.

However, whilst blaming everything from the internet connection to the quality of their teammates is a staple of a gamer's discourse, what many fail to realise is that there are actually a lot of helpful features embedded in games to help make gamers look better than they perhaps actually are.

So, from Rambo-like teammates, innovative technologies to improve accuracy, to realism-breaking features that help players navigate through stages, here are 10 things that prove you're way worse at video games than you think.

10. Enemies Miss (On Purpose?!)

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Naughty Dog

As the capabilities of consoles have continued to defy expectations and push boundaries, the line between a genuine gaming title and a Hollywood blockbuster has begun to blur. Games like Unchartered are some of the best examples of this, with its jaw-dropping visuals and incredible spectacles paired with death-defying, all-action sequences.

However, whilst players are living their best lives and marvelling at their impressive stunt work, they might overlook just how many times they should have been killed by their enemies.

'Stormtrooper aim' might be one of the most memed parts of the film industry - with enemies missing easy shots at shameful rates - but it remains just as prevalent in the gaming industry too. Developers in franchises like Uncharted often purposefully programme their AI enemies to miss their first couple of shots on a player in order to ramp up the adrenaline, force them into cover and present a more cinematic shootout experience.

Other games design enemies to approach more slowly, allowing time for players to take up a position and adjust, whilst some even lower the accuracy of their enemies the closer to a player they get.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.