10 Weird Video Game Concepts That Totally Should've Sucked

3. Seaman

Ignoring the pretty unfortunate name, Seaman is essentially a tamagotchi for a console. You have to feed and care for your Seaman and check in on him every day, otherwise there's the chance he could die. Making him like a pet, only one without the living costs and affection. The voice recognition system - while not without its flaws - can cause a strong bond to form between you and your unsettling human-faced little creature (which is actually that of the game's producer Yoot Saito). His AI and responses are often remarkably good, having an impressive range of conversation options. Added to all this is a narrator voiced by Leonard Nimoy himself, the game is as addictive and demanding as it is bizarre.
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Lover of all things PC. A fan of inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin. Remembers when 'geek' was an insult. Still passionately believes Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines was the greatest game ever made.