10 Weirdest Fighters In Fighting Video Games
4. Bad Box Art Mega Man – Street Fighter X Tekken

Ever felt that a developer has let you down for not including a fighter you have been so desperate to see in the game? The Smash Bros fan base can certainly relate; some of them are still bitter to this day about Corrin and Bayonetta getting a place each.
Capcom, however, really trolled their fanbase with the arrival of the blue wonder himself, none other than Mega Man! Sort of...
Instead, everyone got Bad Box Art Mega Man, based off the design for the US version of the first game in the series. Take a look below, but boy, is it bad...

In this crossover fighter, he's a fat, middle-aged bloke. Don't be easily deceived; he may look like he's had more than a few spaghetti meals for his breakfast and has avoided any harsh exercise for the past few decades or so, but he's quite the athlete.
Hunting for the fabled Pandora's Box, Bad Box Art Mega Man will use the classic moves from the original series to achieve his goal, such as his iconic Mega Uppercut.
This was all Keiji Inafune's idea. The original creator for the series decided to add this tubby version of his own creation. Hey, in his own words, it's “better than nothing.”