10 Weirdest Levels Cut Out Of Video Games

2. Doom's Useless Members Club That Needed A Dismembered Hand To Enter

Doom is one of the most iconic video games in the history of the form, up there with the original Super Mario Bros, Pong, and Jaws Unleashed. For many, the primitive first-person-shooter is what got them hooked on games in the first place. For developers iD Software, meanwhile, Doom both made them and very nearly broke them. The finished game is a perfect, well-crafted fusion of influences (namely Dungeons & Dragons, Hollywood action films and death metal). But it was a mighty struggle getting to that point, with even the classic heads-up-display and array of monsters being completely different in early builds of Doom. A lot of content wound up on the cutting room floor, but the weirdest might be the totally useless €œMembers Club€ inexplicably on the Mars station: there were no enemies, you just chilled out there between the carnage. Originally part of the four-player version of Doom, you could only enter by finding a dismembered hand and using its fingerprint on the door.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/