10 Weirdest Video Game Boss Battles

1. Crazy Hand - Super Smash Bros.

Conker's Bad Fur Day great mighty poo

This guy might not spring to most peoples' minds when thinking about weird or unusual boss battles, but to me Crazy Hand is the... well, the craziest of them all. 

Think about it; the aim of Super Smash Bros has always been to ramp up your opponent's percentage until it's easy enough to send them flying off of the stage. Then comes Master Hand at the very end of Classic Mode, and he has the sheer cheek to have a HP gauge. Suddenly, knocking your foe off the stage is no longer an option, making Master Hand weird enough in his own right (especially since he's a giant floating hand and all).

But of course Crazy Hand will often come ballin' in at a moment's notice to ruin your day, with a set of attacks that make Master Hand seem like the reserved, quiet one in the group. Crazy Hand drops bombs, scuttles around like a spider, and rips holes in the very fabric of reality itself in a bid to suck you in. If he isn't the weirdest boss out there, I don't think I want to know what is. 

Agree? Disagree? Have your own suggestions? Sound off in the comments!


Nintendo fanboy, Doctor Who nerd, and comic book enthusiast... May not actually have a life outside of fictional characters anymore.