10 Weirdest Video Game Boss Battles

2. The Great Mighty Poo - Conker's Bad Fur Day

Conker's Bad Fur Day great mighty poo

The Great Mighty Poo would probably have been at number one, but the child in me just couldn't resist placing him at number two... teehee. 

There are, as far as I'm aware, very few bosses who sing opera at you before and after the fight. There are even fewer who do that while being made entirely of poo. The GMP is one of those bosses that is so ridiculously and outrageously childish, you can't help but crack a wry smile as he threatens to fling his fecal matter in your direction.

Some things are just so dumb that they end up transcending stupidity and becoming genius. I rather like to think that the Great Mighty Poo does just that, and is one of the great artistic works of the last century for that reason.

It's not a very popular opinion, to be perfectly honest.


Nintendo fanboy, Doctor Who nerd, and comic book enthusiast... May not actually have a life outside of fictional characters anymore.