10 Weirdest Video Game Boss Battles

6. Pyramid Head - Silent Hill 2

Conker's Bad Fur Day great mighty poo

Pyramid Head could easily make his way onto any list of genuinely scary videogame bosses. But let's be honest, as scary as he is, he is also undoubtedly incredibly weird. And not just because he has pyramid stuck on his head, which is a little odd on its own no matter how you slice it.

In Silent Hill 2, Pyramid Head is supposed to be a representation of the player's desire to be punished for what happened to his dead wife. You can find him at various points throughout the game, usually doing something freaky to try and scare you. 

Obviously the weirdest moment would have to be when you walk in on Pyramid Head raping two mannequins. Definitely not the kind of thing you'd catch Bowser doing at the end of a Mario game (I hope)...But whatever floats his demony boat, I guess...


Nintendo fanboy, Doctor Who nerd, and comic book enthusiast... May not actually have a life outside of fictional characters anymore.