10 Weirdest Video Game Boss Battles

5. Psycho Mantis - Metal Gear Solid

Conker's Bad Fur Day great mighty poo

Just in case his name and outfit hadn't clued you in, Psycho Mantis is a little bit of an oddball. Fortunately, he's also one of the most inventive and popular bosses of all time.

Why? Because dear old Manty makes extremely clever use of the PlayStation tech by appearing to read Snake's mind. He could change the channel (or make it look that way), make your controller vibrate, and even tell you what other games you'd been playing by reading the memory card.

Of course, once players worked out all they had to do to get Mantis out of their heads was change the port their controller was in, he was a little bit of a pushover. Seriously, imagine a time before Google and Youtube, and managing to be the first one of your friends to work out how to lay the beat down on Mantis. You'd feel like a KING.

A tricky, innovative, fourth-wall breaking SOB. Psycho Mantis will surely go down in history as one of the cleverest and weirdest bosses of all time. 


Nintendo fanboy, Doctor Who nerd, and comic book enthusiast... May not actually have a life outside of fictional characters anymore.