10 Most Widely Celebrated PS3 Games

2. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Among Thieves Before the Uncharted series made its debut with Drake's Fortune, I was praying that Naughty Dog would release a new Jak And Daxter game. Can you imagine how wonderful it would be to go on a High Def adventure in Haven City with all the perks the PS3 had to offer? But alas, it wasn't to be, and in 2007 we had a new animated partnership to be excited about - Nathan Drake and Elena Fisher (and neither one of them was an ottsel - round 1 to J&D). Uncharted 1 was a terrific game, offering all us PS3 newbies a chance to see what the shiny black brick in front of us could really do. We thought it couldn't get any better ... But we were wrong. It's difficult to pin down exactly what Among Thieves did so differently that made it significantly better than its predecessor - I mean, I did like Nate's Winter jacket but I think that's more down to opinion than anything else. It must be how the magicians at Naughty Dog manage to intertwine reality and fantasy - despite there being obvious examples of the supernatural, the kid inside me never felt as though I was experiencing something that wasn't plausible. The settings we explored as Drake were simply breathtaking, and the vast number of such environments meant that I was forced to play much of the game with the aid of an oxygen mask, but not even that could stunt my relentless enjoyment. With Uncharted, you never know where you'll be or what you'll be doing in five minutes time, all that's certain is that it'll be exquisitely beautiful and captivating. Among Thieves is the very pinnacle of adventure games; searching for an ancient stone with fabled powers, travelling across glorious backdrops, fighting against mystical and enthralling foes alike - there's nothing more you could possibly want for £49.99. But it's only at number 2 ...

Occasional writer by day, asleep by night... and sometimes by day. Lives in a place near London no one's heard of.