10 Worst "Ultimate" Video Game Weapons

1. Casey Bat - Earthbound

Nioh 2 Sohayamaru

The Casey Bat from Earthbound could widely be considered Ness's ultimate weapon in the game, seeing as it's by far the strongest item he can use, and boosts his Offense Power but a whopping 125. However, before you start stepping up to the plate and winding up for a smash that would make The Grand Space Emisarry weak at the knees, you might want to check the other stats first.

While the attack capabilities of this weapon are ludicrous, the actual accuracy of the bat is only 25%!

This means that while you may indeed be able to launch enemies into and then through the sun, Ness is going to act like he's got a light shining in his eyes for the most part and whiff entirely.

Now, truth be told, the hit percentage does go up if the party is facing enemies stronger than the party, but still, why would you want to risk missing and leaving yourself vulnerable when high accuracy but weaker weapons would do more damage over time?

Take a walk, mate.

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