10 Worst "Ultimate" Video Game Weapons

2. Sohayamaru - Nioh 2

Nioh 2 Sohayamaru
Team Ninja

From the outset of the crushingly hard Nioh 2, it's made clear that the Sohayamaru or Seven Branched Sword is kind of a big deal.

This real-life weapon of legend is a mighty impressive-looking letter opener that's for sure, and in the game, it's said that it's the only sword that can defeat daemons and can only be forged by collecting enough Spirit Stones.

Plus it glows with the heat of a thousand suns so of course, we as gamers are very on board with making this part of our collection. As the narrative goes on and you defeat more and more bosses, the goal of owning this coat rack with a hilt inches closer and closer until finally, after yet another hard-fought battle, your blade glows and finally transforms into the Sohayamaru.

Amazing right? Well, it would be if we could use the bloody thing!

The weapon is never officially made part of your inventory, and is only pulled out to deliver the finishing blow to some bosses during prescribed action set pieces, meaning you as the player never even get to wield it!

In a game based on loot drops and farming rare items, this takes the piss.

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Nioh 2
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