10 Worst "Ultimate" Video Game Weapons

6. Every "Legendary" Weapon - The Elder Scrolls Franchise

Nioh 2 Sohayamaru

Now it might seem like a bit of a cop-out to slap every single weapon of legend from the Elder Scroll franchise into one entry, but allow me to make my two-pronged case here like a delicious verbal vipers tongue.

Firstly, there are way too many "legendary" weapons in these games, to the point where nearly every single dungeon, cave, or backwater ruin will reward the player with a weapon of unfeasibly epic origin, only to take up space in their backpack, thus enacting the Syndrome from The Incredibles effect of "If everything is legendary, nothing is"

Secondly... smithing.


This one skill absolutely destroys the entire concept of what is a "legendary" weapon as with this skill you can imbue pretty much anything with such a bizarre assortment of effects that a fork could become a world-ending item.

This plus the fact that crafting in these games can be broken just by looking at it hard enough means that Deadric, Ebony or other unique items look like paperweights by comparison.

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