10 Worst Controller Designs Ever

5. Power Glove (1989)

The Offenders: Mattel, PAX (in Japan), and Nintendo The Console: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) Worst Component: The fact that it's a glove made this the most awesomely impractical way of controlling a game possible. Redeeming Feature: The fact that it's a glove made this the most awesomely impractical way of controlling a game possible. A ridiculous device that embodies Nineties culture, the Power Glove was actually released for the NES in 1989. Nintendo also aren't the ones solely to blame. The Power Glove was a Mattel creation, although Nintendo were the ones that officially licensed it. How the Power Glove worked, or rather, didn't work, was by emitting ultrasonic sound at microphones surrounding the television, by performing different hand gestures. If that sounds like an absolutely mental way of controlling a video game, that's because it is. The confusing keyboard positioned on the arm also did no favours for the usability of the Glove. The Power Glove has come to be a pop culture icon, and we wouldn't fault anyone for secretly feeling awesome while wearing it. Just don't bother trying to play any games with the thing.
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