10 Worst Final Bosses In Video Game History

1. Sauron - Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor

Sauron, the Dark Lord, the slayer of men and embodiment of pure evil... defeated with a godawful quick-time event.

Now, the whole affair wouldn't have rubbed so many in the wrong way, if not for said quick-time event playing in a hilariously naff way. These sorts of cutaway interactions can be exemplary when done well - just think of MGS 4's corridor crawl or God of War 2's door head-bash - but here, it was just terribly handled.

The actual minigame you were partaking in consisted of the game slowing to a crawl as you very simply piloted a button symbol into a radius onscreen, and hit it.

That's all it took to kill Sauron - some button-piloting and then mashing X as Talion skewered him for a bit.

"Lame" didn't even come close, and though Monolith released the "real battle" as DLC (itself a heinous thing), the vanilla version of Shadow of Mordor ended in the worst way possible.


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