10 Worst Final Bosses In Video Game History

9. Titan Joker - Batman: Arkham Asylum

Another case for wanting to end your game on a bang despite it feeling forced and completely random, Titan Joker is straight out of the clichéd playbook of "Just make them bigger and more physically intimidating".

As such, we went from a good 20 hours of Batman and Joker having this wonderful face-off of wit and charm, to Joker playing like the other "heavies" you'd vanquished along the way.

Goad him into charging, dodge out the way, pull off a few combos - rinse, repeat. Beat for beat this was the same fight we'd been doing countless times across the main story.

The best moment comes in a later cutscene where Batman covers his hand in explosive gel to deliver one HELL of a knockout punch - but why wasn't this part of the battle? Arkham Asylum is genuinely a masterpiece in game design, yet this final duel is the only part that sticks out as more than a tad undercooked.

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