10 Worst Final Bosses In Video Game History

6. Hive Mind - Dead Space

Rather like Deus Ex: Human Revolution's way of crowbarring in really out of place boss battles into its narrative, Dead Space - after a whole game of corridor crawling and tension - pitted you against a giant... thing.

Perhaps the creators were trying to channel John Carpenter's The Thing with the Hive Mind's various tendrils and "sack of meat" aesthetic, but the fact was: Having such a change in scale and tone was destructively jarring. It meant we were immediately reminded of EA's more "mainstream" approach to game design, wanting their horror masterpiece to go out on a more manufactured "high", as oppose to sticking with what was already a nicely confident tone.

Even worse, the sensibility and mentality inherent in this sequence went on to essentially be the main reference point in Dead Space 3, where the player fought off against a giant... sentient... moon.

As you do.

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