10 Worst Final Bosses In Video Game History

7. Malus - Shadow Of The Colossus

When taken in isolation, Malus' final encounter would've been impressive in scale and completely memorable, but when your game is essentially a boss rush consisting of other Colossi taking the player into the sky or down into the depths of some long-forgotten lake, climbing this glorified totem pole was deflating, to say the least.

Not to mention, the approach to battle consists of dodging some high damage-dealing energy bolts and actually taking cover - a gameplay requirement that felt completely off-kilter with the more serene, almost 'humble' tone beforehand.

Thankfully, defeating Malus didn't boil down to some tacked-on minigame, instead seeing you clamber up his sides, hop between moving hands and eventually plunge your sword into his temple. It was certainly an intimidating duel, but completely lacking in that sense of momentum so connected to Shadow of the Colossus' other battles.

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