10 Worst Final Bosses In Video Game History

4. Human-Reaper Baby - Mass Effect 2

Remember this?!

Mass Effect 2 is often regarded as the absolute best in the trilogy, but this whopping great mecha-baby thing was supposed to represent how the Collectors thought the humanoid form was the endpoint of evolution. As such, they funnelled thousands of corpses into making this thing, but it meant that fighting it wasn't dissimilar to Dead Space's final moments: A forced "epic" fight that was playable enough, yet betrayed the essence of the experience itself.

At least Bioware had designed a combat system that was fun, responsive and experimental enough to see you through. Various platforms needed to be hopped between with differing cover points utilised to fend off the Reaper's damaging attacks.

It was a lot of reviving your squad, focusing fire on different spots of the boss to do maximum damage, and a LOT of awkwardly positioning the camera along the way as the game was clearly not built to handle creatures of this size.

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