10 Worst Final Bosses In Video Game History

3. Shao Kahn - Mortal Kombat 9

Easily one of the most frustrating bosses in gaming history, all iterations of Shao Kahn are built to annoy and frustrate, but this 2011 iteration took the peanuts.

Most likely coming from the point of "Well, old-school Shao Kahn battles were always excruciating, let's just make him cheap as hell", Kahn's moveset meant he could stun-lock you in an instant, opening you up for flurries of combos, air-lifts and, yes, more stun-locking.

If the A.I. simply wanted to break you, it would, and unless you figured out which of your own moves were spam-able, good luck beating this mess of programming without breaking a controller.

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Gaming Editor

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