10 Worst Mass-Market Video Game Controllers Of All Time

7. The Original PSP's Analogue Nub

psp analogue stick nub

Sony still haven't come anywhere close to mastering the handheld market (probably because they tend to release something with all the support of a toothpick under a skyscraper) but on the iterative hardware side, it's not for lack of trying.

The original PSP went through two iterations in quick succession, both of which came with a just-plain-weird analogue 'nub' in place of an actual stick. Handling the thing, it was more like a trying to control an analogue 'disc', sliding across the surface of the PSP, mostly being functional, but forever making you wonder why they didn't just put a miniature stick on there instead.

Come time for the PS Vita, Sony would finally do what they should have years prior, yet by that point, the PSP/Vita name was so far buried under bad marketing and half-supported software, it never stood a chance against the 3DS.

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