10 Worst Multi-Phase Video Game Boss Battles

4. Blueprint Brain Tank - Psychonauts

Sister Friede
Double Fine

Psychonauts' second boss can go all the way to hell. The Blueprint Brain Tank may seem like a simple enough encounter at first - use the environment to protect yourself from the tank's attacks and take potshots whenever you're able.

Except, once you've whittled the tank's health down to zilch by attacking its "soft gelatinous underbelly," it explodes and the brain controlling the tank immediately emerges for a surprise second phase.

This round is considerably tougher than the first, as the brain deploys a sweeping laser which can deal massive damage if you're not paying attention.

Yet players may have expended most of their resources getting through phase one, understandably believing it was the only phase, and so having to battle the brain itself with only a sliver of Mental Health remaining.

Were that second phase not so devilishly tricky then this wouldn't be quite so aggravating, but coming as early as it does in the game, it's a real pain in the ass.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.