10 Worst Multi-Phase Video Game Boss Battles

3. Galdera - Octopath Traveler

Sister Friede
Square Enix

Octopath Traveler's true final boss, Galdera, is basically an exercise in chastising the player and making them question the life choices that brought them to this point.

Before you even take Galdera on you have to power through a boss gauntlet, whereby you're tasked with fighting and defeating each of the eight bosses from every main character's story.

You're unable to save at any point during the gauntlet, which can take close to an hour depending on your skill, so if you fall to any of the bosses you have to start the whole damn thing again.

As for Galdera himself, the fight takes place in two phases with your party split into two teams of four. As such, you basically need to be an expert in each of the game's eight classes before even considering this fight, which Galdera can quickly end with a squad wipe if you're not careful.

It is admittedly supposed to be the be-all, end-all challenge for committed players, but even so, having to restart the entire gauntlet upon dying isn't fun - it's a damn torturous slog.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.