10 Worst Non-Signature Abilities In Pokémon Games
6. Hustle
"An automatic 50% Attack boost? Wow, that sounds awesome! What could possibly be wrong with that?!" Well, it comes with a 20% Accuracy decrease. So yes, a Pokémon with this ability is going to hit like a truck...if it's able to land a hit.
Sure, this ability doesn't affect Special Attacks and status moves, but what's the point in having an ability if you can't use it? If a Pokémon has Hustle, it's going to have to have a moveset full of moves with 100% accuracy. While it will still be reduced to 80% accuracy, it will be more reliable than using a move like Giga Impact or Rock Slide, which will both have pretty pathetic accuracy with this ability.
Worse, yet, is that it appears fairly frequently in the games. It's the primary ability of the Togepi line, as well as Corsola, Remoraid, Darumaka, Deino, and Zweilous, while it's a secondary ability for the Alolan Rattata line, Delibird, and Durant. The remaining eight Pokémon with access to this ability have it as a hidden ability, but Lord knows why anyone would ever dream for such a crippling ability.