10 Worst Non-Signature Abilities In Pokémon Games
4. Plus/Minus
No, this is not the signature ability of Plusle and Minun - the Mareep line, the Klink line, and Dedenne all have access to Plus, while the Electrike line and the Klink line can have the ability Minus.
In double battles, these abilities can actually be quite useful, provided you have a Pokémon with Plus and a Pokémon with Minus on the field at the same time. When a Pokémon with these opposing abilities enter a double battle as teammates, their Special Attack stat increases by 50%. Plus and Minus are only functional when used together, and let's be honest - who wants both a Plusle AND a Minun on their team? Not only that, but who would ever want to use a Klinklang, one of the least creative Pokémon in existence?
I suppose someone could include some combination of Pokémon with Plus and Minus on their team if they really wanted to, but that would automatically make two of their team-members weak to Ground-types, which are commonplace in-game and in competitive play. And since Earthquake hits every Pokémon on the field in a double battle, a "Plus and Minus strategy" would likely not last too long.