10 Worst Open-World Games Of All Time
10. Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell
Although it started out in the shadow of GTA, over the years the Saints Row franchise proved that it was more than yet another copycat by doubling down on wacky open world design when the competition was moving toward more mature and self-serious experiences.
That approach allowed the franchise to soar for a while, but by the time Saints Row: Gat out of Hell came around, it became clear that the series' OTT zaniness was papering over a severe lack of original gameplay ideas. In fact, despite literally going to Hell, the latest sequel felt staler than ever, and instead of ripping off GTA, was content to riff off the likes of Crackdown.
Even worse, the humour that propped up the previous games similarly started to get old in Gat out of Hell, and despite a few creative flourishes here and there, only made the whole affair feel even more punishing.
Saints Row could have gone anywhere after the release of the fourth game, but unfortunately the devs decided on the most lifeless option available.