10 Worst Parts Of 2018's Biggest Video Games

10. The Complete Lack Of A "Party Dynamic" - Octopath Traveller

Octopath Traveler
Square Enix

"It's a return to old-school JRPGs!" they said.

"That is so long overdue, we can't wait!", we said.

Turns out, although Octopath Traveller absolutely nails its snappy combat, world aesthetic, plot drive and opening chapters for all eight heroes... none of this coalesces into a lovable group adventure.

Instead, and truly bizarrely, characters walk up to others that are recruitable, you tap to interact, and after a flashback explaining their side of things, they're in your party. Simple as.

Repeat another handful of times to get the full squad, and despite everyone now moving as a unit, the game treats storytelling as a series of individual journeys, never including group banter while on the road, approaching a new location or, well, anything. "Party chatter" can sporadically appear with a button press that triggers a cutaway, seeing two or more characters interact in an isolated dark room, but there's nothing in the way of everyone's opinions and experiences factoring into the overall progression.

Cutscenes even play without the party being visualised too, and things like stealthily infiltrating mansions or being the "lone saviour of the village" don't exactly add up when there's a handful of you doing the deed.

Truly, truly strange.

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