10 Worst Parts Of 2018's Biggest Video Games

9. Completely Empty Quest Design - Sea Of Thieves

sea of thieves kraken

For as much as this was the return of freakin' Rare (the studio that brought you Donkey Kong Country, Perfect Dark and GoldenEye), Sea of Thieves couldn't match lofty ambitions with worthwhile gameplay.

For the opening 20 minutes it's genuinely amazing. You're working with a group of friends or matched online players, raising and lowering sails, swilling grog, shooting skeletons and fighting other ships... and then the inevitable happens:

"Okay, this is fun, but what are we supposed to be doing?"

Sea of Thieves struggles to answer.

The game's "quest design" is almost entirely based on fetching items or slowly sailing to a place just to kill a target... before sailing back again. The former leaves you open to other players stealing your gear, and the latter forces you to try and enjoy some notably stale combat.

Rare have attempted to remedy this with DLC packs both available and upcoming, but they seem unable to give Sea of Thieves a meaningful gameplay loop.

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