10 Worst Parts Of 2018's Biggest Video Games

8. The Infuriating Charge & Trick Shot Controls - Mario Tennis Aces

mario tennis aces

A glorious return to arcade tennis games it was, but Mario Tennis Aces made one critical, infuriating mistake: Making the charge shot button be the same as just returning a ball.

It means your character will end up routed to the spot, standing stock-still as they charge their swing... when all you want them to do is hit the ball. It happens if you hit any button even a millisecond too early, and the problem is all over the game's various forums, resulting in many players giving up altogether.

Another bugbear is how double tapping the same shot buttons locks you into a Trick Shot animation; something that requires specific court placement, and will likely see your character walk or dance away from the ball instead.

Hit the button too early and you'll stand still, twice and you'll mess up more obviously. It really can feel like the game itself is cheapening you out of otherwise solid play.

Mario Tennis Aces has a feel of being pinpoint-precision with its tactics and rock, paper, scissors-approach to special moves and court placement... yet these button allocations routinely see you lose matches in the worst possible way.

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