10 Worst Politicians In Video Games

7. Literally Every Politician In Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Image 45
Sledgehammer Games

You knew he was evil. We knew he was evil. But apparently, every politician in the world thought Kevin Spacey’s Jonathan Irons was a nice guy, a good egg. It’s as if they don’t realise they’re in a Call of Duty game. Must’ve been blindsided by his delightful after-dinner anecdotes, rather than the vast dollars this billionaire CEO tosses around in order to maintain his private military company.

That trust comes back to bite our elected officials in the ass, when Irons reveals his belief that politicians are the root cause of all the problems the world faces, and declares war on all governments during a televised conference at the United Nations. Evil, sure, but you can’t knock this guy’s sense of the theatrics.

Advanced Warfare does go some way to showing us why Jonathan Irons acts out the darkest fantasies of Ayn Rand acolytes (his son was killed in a military op gone wrong) but it doesn’t explain why he’d want to off li’l ol’ Joe Schmo, MP for Cheshire West. Still, these useless politicians should’ve known better – they’re supposed to be experts in theatrical grandstanding. That’s what we elect them for.

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Kevin Spacey
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Word-wrangler and video gamer on the rocks. Once completed the original Resident Evil in 1 hour 4 minutes. Prefers Irish coffee over any other kind. Former movie trailer writer, now rehabilitated. Wrote the viral videos for the movie Watchmen. Likes sarcasm, cynicism, smoking and you.