10 Worst PS4 Games So Far

8. Watch Dogs

Watch Dogs

Okay okay, Watch Dogs wasn't actually the anti-christ. It was however, the first time tens of thousands of people had been outright lied to when it came to promoting a game, especially when said game is being touted as the reason to invest in hardware that costs the better part of a few week's wage.

Now it's referred to in the same vein as things like Mass Effect 3's ending as another harbinger of disappointment, but even back on release opinions were divided as to whether or not the tick-box nature of gameplay made for something satisfying or totally played out.

Either way no side of the fence could muster any arguments to say that anything within WD had been crafted with care or passion, and as the revelations about hidden code that could beef up the graphics were uncovered alongside a terrible plot filled with empty characters and a gameplay progression that was nonexistent, Watch Dogs is a sour taste many are simply washing away whilst looking to its sequel.

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