10 Worst PS4 Games So Far

6. Killzone: Shadow Fall

Killzone shadow fall
Guerrilla Games

Never has a franchise been saddled with a label that did more bad than good before it even released than Killzone's 'Halo-killer' moniker. Doing about as good a job at 'killing' Halo as a light breeze would The Incredible Hulk, Sony continued to pump money into the franchise for the sake of having their own first-party shooter to show off, and nothing more.

The problem though, is that the feel of combat just isn't that good. Even on its next-gen debut the game's physics haven't improved, with enemy Helghast troops animating like crumpled pieces of wet paper when shot and weapons rarely feeling like they're connecting with as much might as the world's aesthetic convinces you they should.

Multiplayer-wise it's serviceable stuff, and Guerilla Games must be commended for their roulette-style mash-up of multiple game types, but for the rest of the experience there's just nothing worth stomaching the nonsensical storyline and forgettable characters.

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