10 Worst Things About Star Wars: Battlefront

8. Odd Design Choices

Although it's not that big of a deal, the lazy visual design of some of the star cards and collectibles you can find in the game only adds to the creeping sense that Battlefront was pushed out to meet a deadline. The star cards, with their plain white background and cut and paste images feel aesthetically out of place with the rest of the game's authentic art design. Likewise, the way the pick-ups languish around and appear inorganically on the map evokes the design of any other generic arcade shooter. Even the collectibles that you can unearth around the Battles mode seem out of place, just floating around the map. No Star Wars imagery or audio bite to signify what you've picked up, just another generic place-holder image that was seemingly forgotten to be replaced. Again, these small oddities wouldn't have been so bad if the rest of the game didn't feel so rushed, but as a result they only act as a constant reminder that with a couple of months more development time Battlefront could have turned out to be a much more cohesive game overall.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3