10 Worst Things About Star Wars: Battlefront

7. No Weapon Variety

When the beta for Battlefront released it was a bit alarming that you couldn't customise your guns in any way, but I got it. This is Star Wars; to see rebels running around with red-dot sights and extended mags would have felt out of place in the context of the universe. But when I found out there was only going to be 11 guns in total, this lack of customisation seemed to be the death-knell for any semblance of weapon variety. Although you can get star cards that might give you a couple of other usable weapons (a single-use sniper rifle in particular is a must-have for any long-range player) you'll be spending most of your time with the same 11 blasters. Although there's one or two that handle distinctively different (a semi-automatic pistol for instance) each gun, both visually and mechanically, feels virtually identical. The actual novelty of shooting a great feeling blaster is better than almost any shooting experience you'll find this year, yet without variety you'll be sick of the same no-recoil weapons after a dozen hours or so.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3