10 Worst Things You Can Do In Sims Games

6. The Dance Of Death

The Sims

Dancing yourself to death might not sound as barbaric as the other options on this list but when you think about it properly, it is actually rather brutal.

Whether you can dance or not, most people love a boogie. Plus, dancing isn't just good fun, it also has numerous health benefits. For instance, pulling some serious shapes can improve stamina, bone and muscle strength, and best of all, it can prevent certain illnesses. Therefore, the last thing you would expect to happen while shaking your booty on the dancefloor would be to drop dead, unless you were a Sim of course.

Sadly, dancing Sims to death has become a common occurrence in the Sim world, with users getting a kick out of making their Sim ultra happy and jovial, only to have them die of exhaustion not long after.

To make it even worse, several players have been known to set up "dance death parties" where a bunch of people are invited round to a party only to be then forced into a room and told to dance until they die one by one.

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