10 Worst Things You Can Do In Sims Games

5. Incest Is Best

The Sims
Electronic Arts

When it comes to breaking the norms of traditional and conventional relationships, The Sims is up there with the best. From polygamy to teenage pregnancy, dodgy step-parents, and unwanted sexual advances, there seem to be no boundaries.

The most horrific taboo of all has to be incest, with The Sims one of just a few computer games that "allows" the act to happen within the realms of the game's narrative.

Although the creators are adamant that no Sim can pursue a relationship with someone in their own family, many users have managed to find a way around it by using mods and glitches to champion the "incest is the best" motto. As a result, there are two main ways to practice incest in the Sims series. The long way involves spawning generations and generations of the same family then having them hook up with their distant cousins later on. To be fair, Royal families have been doing this for years, so it isn't that bad when you really think about it.

The shorter way is by far more disturbing and involves a specially designed mod that allows your family members to fall in love, marry each other, woohoo, and then eventually have children. This could involve anything from a parent and child to a grandmother and grandchild. Now that's bad.

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The Sims
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