10 Worst Things You Can Do In Sims Games

3. Locked In My Basement

The Sims

There are many ways to kill off your Sims, whether it be by drowning, electrocution, starvation, or even embarrassment, but there are also more sadistic, barbaric, and downright perverted ways to go that extra mile. One of these methods involves the kidnapping, torture, and eventual death of people in and around your neighborhood. To make matters worse, there are a number of inventive and innovative ways of doing so.

One option involves going old school, acting as a lone wolf, hunting your prey and persuading them to take a look at something "cool and interesting" in your basement. Once they are inside, remove the doors and windows and keep them alive with small portions of food and water. You can then increase your victims by doing the same thing every day until you are left with a room full of emaciated individuals.

If that's not your style, why not invite everybody over for a party? Once everybody is a little bit merry, hit them with a kitchen fire or a mass drowning. You could then litter the basement with their tombstones.

The final option could be to build an H. H. Holmes style murder house complete with torture rooms and hidden enclaves. You could even have a room for men, a room for women, and even worse, a room for children... OK, maybe that's going a little too far.

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