10 Worst Things You Can Do In Sims Games

4. One Toilet, No Doors

The Sims

The least you could do for your Sims is provide them with some basic sanitation facilities such as a toilet, a shower, and a little sink to brush their teeth. The worst thing you could do is provide them with a bathroom with nothing in it apart from a small cheap toilet that is prone to breaking. If you do this then you are in danger of killing your Sim through bad hygiene.

To do this, begin by locking your Sim in a bathroom. The longer they stay in the bathroom, the more likely it is that the toilet will break. Your Sim will then be blessed with piles and piles of fecal matter along with puddles and puddles of pee that will either kill them from disease or end their lives through insanity.

To push it that little bit further, you could host a party and invite the whole neighborhood. After they are done dancing and having a good time, force them into a tiny room with one toilet, and watch the magic happen. Even worse, provide your guests with some food and wait for it to get spoiled. Once it is rotten, place it in the bathroom and make them pee on the food and then eat it.

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