10 Worst Video Game Tutorials Everyone Hated

5. Mario & Luigi: Dream Team

Mario and Luigi Dream Team.jpg

When it comes to hand-holding tutorials, however, nothing beats Mario and Luigi: Dream Team, a game so aggressively patronising with its relentless pop-up factoids you'd be forgiven for turning the game off and never going back.

Whenever the player is required to perform even the most basic manoeuver they haven't yet executed, even late in the game, play will be interrupted with a tutorial to make sure you're able - sometimes even asking you to demonstrate this ability several times.

There's even a freaking tutorial for jumping, for God's sake, and the game feels the need to explain the notion of HP to you, in case you're literally a baby.

While it's commendable that Nintendo makes games accessible to all ages, isn't the joy of discovery that much more fun? Just let players figure things out for themselves unless they get stuck, no?

The hand-holding is egregious enough that it barely feels like you're actually playing the game at points, as opposed to just following a strict series of instructions until the credits roll. Fun!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.