10 WORST Video Game Weapons

8. The Bane - Borderlands 2

doom 2016 pistol
Gearbox Software

Speaking of trolling the player, this is probably the undisputed grand champion of making an item for that exact purpose. The Bane is a gun more or less created with the primary purpose of pissing off your friends in co-op mode, luring you in with fantastic stats, only for it to make you regret that and all previous life choices.

Firing this weapon will cause it to let out the most high pitched squeal every time you reload, switch it in or out with another weapon, or fire a bullet - one sound for each individual bullet, and it shoots nine at once - with lowering the volume of the game having no effect on it.

It also reduces your movement speed to a crawl. After all the build up for this weapon, turns out that you maybe should have listened to everyone in this quest telling you that the weapon was cursed.

It's only down here due to my slight sick respect for Gearbox for making a weapon so methodically designed to annoy players. A joke this carefully set up and brilliantly pulled off - even when you're the butt of it - can only be respected.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?