10 Worst Video Games Of 2019 (So Far)

1. Anthem

Anthem game

It had to be Anthem.

No other game was not only terribly marketed and demoed beforehand, but released to a lacklustre, "What the hell happened?!" response - only to get that response from a revealing Kotaku exposé. One that proved none of us should've bothered in the first place.

It's endlessly sad that Bioware are the team behind this, too. Going from some of the most beloved RPGs in gaming history to a current run that's all but burying them in the eyes of many players and consumers.

Anthem itself does have some redeeming qualities like meaty shooting and weighty flight physics... but they're not put to any memorable use, plus the story feels like a paint-by-numbers of "what to include in a triple-A action game", including dialogue and comedy relief character types.

In the end this was dead on arrival. It still sold relatively well thanks to sticking to such a mass market formula, but what we're left with is a rote, buggy, unfinished spreadsheet of a game, staying online long enough to hoover up further cash from its rapidly dwindling, infuriated fanbase.


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