10 Worst Video Games Of 2019 (So Far)

2. Dr. Mario World

dr mario world

I can't tell where Nintendo's head is at with their mobile output.

After the fantastic, world-halting Pokémon GO (though that was 99% Niantic), everything else from Super Mario Run to Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp to even the footage available of Mario Kart Tour looks watered down to the point of drowning in mediocrity.

Enter Dr. Mario - something that isn't even taking an especially beloved original release, only to turn it into a Candy Crush/match-the-colour bore.

Where in the NES/Game Boy original it was fun enough to slot together multiple coloured pills to clear shapes, Dr. Mario World has godawful touch controls, wants you to send pills UP the screen, and implements a microtransaction store so you can keep playing.

Yup, buying health to try stages again is the order of the day, but that's besides the fact that Dr. Mario World feels like coming down with a head cold to interact with.

It's thoroughly sluggish and unresponsive; a shockingly naff release from a company otherwise being on a form we haven't seen since the N64.

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