10 Worst Video Games Of 2019 (So Far)

7. Left Alive

Left Alive
Square Enix

Anything artist Yoji Shinkawa touches should turn to gold.

The dude helped Metal Gear Solid make its mark on the world from the first 3D instalment onwards, and even if you don't know his name, a quick Google will immediately make you realise you're already familiar with his work.

Left Alive, then, was essentially marketed as something of a spiritual successor to MGS, being Kojima and co. have long since departed Konami, but Shinkawa and developers Ilinx might be able to plug the gap.

In short... they didn't.

Stealth, mechs, headshots and gritty dialogue is all in here, but actually playing Left Alive feels unbelievably outdated, and not in a good way.

Where retro/nostalgic throwbacks are great to see, most new-age ones tend to apply the lessons learned from the time in between. Instead, Left Alive had tiresome checkpointing, super basic combat and environments awash in browns and greys.

It should be so easy to serve the starving MGS fandom, but this just made us throw up.

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