10 Worst Video Games Of 2019 (So Far)

6. Bubsy: Paws On Fire

bubsy paws on fire
Choice Provisions

Maybe this should just be left alone as a "Oh you... good on you for trying", but Bubsy is just about the most 4/10 platformer character on the planet in the first place, given another revival because I guess that's what his contemporaries are doing.

However, where Crash and Spyro have been revitalised and given gorgeous visual makeovers for the new generation, Bubsy looks... fine.

Being a 27 year-old character with a handful of games - and yet not one the average person on the street has heard of - it's safe to say the mandate here was "Just try again", after Woolies Strike Back barely made a dent in the public consciousness.

The big chance this time was making Bubsy an automatic-runner - as if someone thought Super Mario Run was going to usher in the "next big thing" of having characters control for us.

Sadly an auto-running hero is one of the worst ideas in gaming, and paired with Bubsy, it's all completely forgettable.

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