10 Worst Video Games Of 2024
9. Kong: Survival Instinct

Kong: Survival Instinct does something nobody thought possible - it makes players defend Skull Island: Rise of Kong. That abomination may have been arguably the worst game of last year, but at least Rise of Kong allowed you to play as The Eighth Wonder of the World.
Although Survival Instinct isn't as bad, the 2.5D Metroidvania feels like false advertising. Despite what the promotions suggest, King Kong and the rest of the titans barely feature. Instead, you play as a generic human character who must face off against a bunch of nameless mercenaries. There's some titan action, but it's not enough to justify slapping Kong's name on the title.
The combat is lazy and there's a lack of checkpoints, which means players must replay the same sections repeatedly if they die (which will happen a lot thanks to the imbalanced difficulty).
Even though monsters are occasionally visible in the background, the level design is astoundingly plain, mostly consisting of abandoned streets and desolate houses. If you looked at almost any section of the game out of context, you would have no idea it was a Kong IP. (More often than not, it comes across as a Contra rip-off.)
Due to the big ape's absence, not even the biggest advocates of the brand should give Survival Instinct a moment of their time.