10 Worst Video Games To 100%

7. Binding of Isaac

Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Edmund McMillen

You know what's a big ask for any player? To 100% a rougelike. Especially one as jam-packed with content as the Binding of Isaac.

Originally debuting in 2011, the Binding of Isaac has only had more and more added on, with new characters, new items, and new bosses showing up in the decade since it first came out.

But the amount of content isn't the only reason it's hard to fully complete. It's also hard to complete because of the nature of the game itself. With a rougelike, things get randomized, and this randomization can make things easier or harder for the player, including unlocking content. Having to complete routes with certain characters, needing specific rooms to unlock more items, and needing certain unlock conditions in order to see specific endings, all of this is what makes seeing everything in this game so hard that by the end you might be crying just like Isaac.


I write and nerd out about stuff.