10 Worst Video Games To 100%

5. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Assassin's Creed Valhalla

There are few games that absolutely nailed the joy of the open-world genre like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild did. Anything you saw, you could interact with. Any direction you went to, there was something there. The world was your oyster.

And it was a completionist's nightmare.

The problem with having a game stuffed to the gills with content? You need to explore ALL of it to see everything. Hidden side missions, shrines, pieces of content that you would never see naturally if you weren't digging through every inch of the map, this game had it all.

And those Korok seeds. For the love of everything holy, those Korok seeds.

They were everywhere, with a grand total of 900. NINE HUNDRED SEEDS. And to make matters worse, the developers knew how incredibly dumb getting all of them would be. That's why if you did collect them all, you would receive a gift of friendship from Hetsu, the creature you were collecting them for.

It was literally just a piece of poop. If you don't laugh, you'll cry.


I write and nerd out about stuff.