10 Worst Ways To Die In Video Games

7. Head Pulled Apart By A Bloater - The Last Of Us

Last Of Us Joel Bloater

Although it cuts to black before it gets to the truly gruesome part, being grabbed by a Bloater in The Last of Us can trigger some really brutal death scenes.

With normal Clickers and infected, the fungus-ridden former humans take a massive bite out of your neck, while others might overpower Joel and beat him to death with their fists on the floor.

Bloaters are a whole 'nother thing entirely. These hulking masses of flesh are capable of grabbing Joel in a headlock and what happens next has got to be one of the worst ways possible to go.

The Bloater literally grabs the top of Joel's head and his lower jaw and starts pulling both ways. Given its massive size and brute strength, Joel's head doesn't last for very long afterwards.

You get a quick, harrowing glimpse of Joel's wide-eyed face before the Bloater succeeds in its mission to prise his head from his shoulders, then the camera mercifully fades out before it gets entirely ripped off.


Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.